We've been struggling with log search performance since upgrading to R80.10 (yes - we have upgraded VM HW, quadrupled it to 16 cores and 128GB RAM but still slow). Case is still open with CP and if anyone has good ideas let us know!
On the side I wrote this one-liner that gives you quick look at indexer backlog - it will show which files are being crunched apart from fw.log and fw.adtlog. This is MDS version so just take the outside loop away and it should work on SmartCentre server.
ls -1 $MDSDIR/customers | while read CLM; do mdsenv $CLM; echo; echo $CLM; cat $INDEXERDIR/data/FetchedFiles | while read line; do if [ `echo $line | awk '{print $7}'` -eq 0 ] && [ `echo $line | grep -c " fw."` -eq 0 ] && [ `echo $line | grep -c "serialization"` -eq 0 ]; then echo $line; fi done; done
Output will look like this, you can see that two files under CLM-x are being crunched apart from fw.log and fwadt.log

Good reading reference in sk112336 and sk97885