Thank you very much for your replies.
The situation has evolved. I am able to run the now but it does not complete, in the logs I get this error:
com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.MyLogger.debug()DEBUG]: Command [show-access-rulebase] uid d1d3d573-4fe0-4cef-9ac6-735899cc2511 limit 10 offset 1860 FAILED
I am now debugging using this:
java -jar $MDS_FWDIR/api/samples/lib/web_api_show_package-jar-with-dependencies.jar -k "ABC-VPN" -d "ABC_Corp" --query-limit 1
and find out that I am failing on two specif rules. Hope once I fixed this, the web_api_show_package will work fine.
When running java -jar $MDS_FWDIR/api/samples/lib/web_api_show_package-jar-with-dependencies.jar -k
I am getting some other error messages:
[6/30/23 5:36 PM com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.MyLogger.severe()SEVERE]: Failed to run show rulebase (ABC-VPN Security). Error message: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
looking into that as well