Maybe i don't understand your initial issue.
As i understood, you want to establish a VPN between an external VPN Gateway and an internal device.
So we suggested to use a unused external IP address which is not configured as physical node IP nor as cluster IP on the checkpoint. This is to avoid the checkpoint assuming that received IKE/IPSec packets are directed at the checkpoint device.
If i am right with my assumption about your ycenario then you
first create a host object using the unused external IP, lets call it host-nat. Original object is called host.
So you create a static nat rule like this
Original Source: any
Original Destination: host-nat
Original Service: any
Translated Source: Original
Translated Destination: host (static)
Translated Services: original
Install on: <policy target>
Next you configure a rule from any (or internal net/Group negated) to host-nat Service IKE/IPSec and from host to any (instead of any, you may as well use an object representing the external vpn device) next you configure the mentioned proxy arp at gaia level.
If i am wrong or something missing, any CheckMate may correct me, it's long ago i really configured that last time 
best regards
and now to something completely different - CCVS, CCAS, CCTE, CCCS, CCSM elite