I am experiencing healthcheck script (latest from 6.02 01-02-2019 as well as quite old 5.10 10-01-2018) issue, when checking cluster failovers. I can see the very same output on many clusters.
| | Number of Sync Interfaces | OK |
| | Cluster Failovers |./healthcheck.sh: line 2781: [[: 008: value too great for base (error token is "008")
./healthcheck.sh: line 2784: 008: value too great for base (error token is "008")
[Expert@FW01A:0]# cat /var/tmp/failovers.tmp
Nov 11 01:58:42 Master to Slave
Nov 11 01:58:42 Master to Slave
Nov 11 01:38:33 Slave to Master
Nov 11 01:38:33 Slave to Master
Nov 11 00:04:48 Master to Slave
Nov 11 00:04:48 Master to Slave
Nov 10 23:25:41 Slave to Master
Nov 10 23:25:41 Slave to Master
I do have suspicion, that part of the script checking, how much time since last failover, is not counting correctly, when in log is not mentioned year. In my case, failover happened on Nov 10 2018 and now is Jan 8 2019, but in log is only day and month, not year.
from healthcheck.sh:
#Determine if the year has rolled over since the failover
if [[ $current_day_of_the_year -ge $failover_day_of_the_year ]]; then
Are you experiencing similar issue? I have attached full output from one of affected nodes.
All advises are welcome.