Hi Matteo!
Here's the configuration I have on the R77.30 gateway with ISP Redundancy and the PBR rule:
firewall> show configuration pbr
set pbr table GuestTraffic static-route default nexthop gateway address NNN.NNN.195.73 priority 1
set pbr rule priority 1 match interface bond0.192
set pbr rule priority 1 action table GuestTraffic
Interface bond0.192 is an LACP portchannel with VLAN 192 (of course).
Interface eth2 is the ISP interface where traffic from VLAN 192 is being routed:
set interface eth2 comments "Guest Internet"
set interface eth2 link-speed 1000M/full
set interface eth2 state on
set interface eth2 auto-negotiation on
set interface eth2 mtu 1500
set interface eth2 ipv4-address NNN.NNN.195.74 mask-length 30
firewall> show route destination NNN.NNN.195.72
Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP (D - Default),
O - OSPF IntraArea (IA - InterArea, E - External, N - NSSA)
A - Aggregate, K - Kernel Remnant, H - Hidden, P - Suppressed,
U - Unreachable, i - Inactive
C NNN.NNN.195.72/30 is directly connected, eth2
Guest Internet
However, your comment prompted me take a closer look at my customer's configuration. I see one small thing that is different. My customer has 3 ISP links:
1) eth0 to the primary ISP
2) eth1 to the secondary ISP
3) eth2 to a 3rd ISP, but this is NOT part of the ISP link table
The third ISP link, eth2, is where I am using the PBR configuration, and the first two ISP links are in the ISP Redundancy link table.
I apologize for not being more clear in my previous post. I see now how this is different than what you may be seeking.
Duane Toler
Webfargo Data Security
Proactive Security Solutions
Phone: 919.281.0175, Ext. 3312