Hello Mates,
b4 opening a tac case, just want to check if anybody has any helpful hints regarding my SmartConsole issue 
I have a windows VM running in a DMZ of a customers environment (R80.10 sms)
In Logs & Monitor I have one open tab showing SmartLog. So far so good.
When trying to open another tab, i am always running into an error.

or sometimes

When debugging SmartConsole, i see error messages like this:
[1] [03 Aug 2018 10:19:06,028] (ERROR) SmartViewWrapper.View.SmartViewControl - Error loading page:https://<IP OF SMS>/smartview/embedded/#token=WWVDa0JDRXRabFlQSkRMZ1dzMU1kcktQcXR6MllYMlBka0lQWG9YYjNrWQ==&view-id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-A69BF720DA43&locale=en-US&publish=7a0e7c38-2ecd-4115-98bc-6c2de4b4539e, msg:TimeOut, An operation timed out.
[1] [03 Aug 2018 10:19:06,283] (ERROR) SmartViewWrapper.View.SmartViewControl - Error loading page:https://<IP OF SMS>/smartview/embedded/#token=WWVDa0JDRXRabFlQSkRMZ1dzMU1kcktQcXR6MllYMlBka0lQWG9YYjNrWQ==&view-id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-A69BF720DA43&locale=en-US&publish=7a0e7c38-2ecd-4115-98bc-6c2de4b4539e, msg:TimeOut, An operation timed out.
Running "fw ctl zdebug + drop" on the gateway between client ant SMS i see no drops regarding communication between SmartConsole client and SMS.
Any idea or hint what to do next?
and now to something completely different - CCVS, CCAS, CCTE, CCCS, CCSM elite