It is the source IP address that is violating anti-spoofing in that log card, not the destination You have one of two situations occurring:
1) Most likely a routing problem. Traffic was initiated from somewhere bound for, it arrived at the firewall who then source NATted it to and sent it out egress interface bond0.801. Some router on the path towards improperly bounced the packet back to the firewall inbound on interface bond0.801 where it was dropped by spoofing.
2) IP address is being used by some other host (either on the other side of the VPN or locally) and it conflicts with the firewall's interface IP.
Either way, turning off local interface spoofing enforcement will not help as the routing for either of these situations is incorrect. If this is VPN traffic, checking "Disable NAT in VPN Community" for the relevant VPN Community might fix the problem, if it is caused by the firewall inappropriately NATting the traffic thus causing situation #1.
Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones