Hi @Danny ,
I vote for YES.
Regarding your tough point (2. Find the main IP of the VSX object in charge for the selected VS object). I would go via, still working (even in R80.40), dbedit utility.
In order to find all VS objects within ALL CMAs which will give you following output:
Name of VS
IP Address of VS
Domain name (NOT CMA NAME) of "parent" VSX cluster
mdsenv $CMA
$MDSDIR/bin/cpmiquerybin attr "" network_objects "class='vs_cluster_netobj'" -a __name__,ipaddr,main_customer | sed 's/MISSING_ATTR//g'
Once you have Main "parent" Domain name where VSX object is part of, then check which CMAs are part of it (via API) and then go inside Active domain and check Main IP of VSX:
$MDSDIR/bin/cpmiquerybin attr "" network_objects "class='vsx_cluster_netobj'" -a __name__,ipaddr | sed 's/MISSING_ATTR//g'
Once you have IP, you can use cprid_util inside CMA to directly connect to that IP and perform whatever you want 🙂
You can also check members of VSX cluster (class='vsx_cluster_member').
Not sure if this can be used for Extensions purposes, but this will be the steps I will check Main VSX IP of selected VS using Bash.
Hope it will help somehow 🙂
Kind regards,
Jozko Mrkvicka