I created a autoIT script for Check Point SmartConsole client v80.30 and everything is working fine. (login process and everything inside the client.
But when i go to "Gateways & Servers" and i press on "Device & License Information" on the window that opens i get an error on the script running on this page.
If i login to PSM with a local user and run the client, i don't have this issue.
Char: 3
Error: Automatation Server can't Create Object
Code: 0URL: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/CheckPoint/SmartConsole/R80.30/PROGRAM/data/htdocs/overview.html?gateway=azfwcluster802&CLSNUM=CLSID:4A07C1E3-EFE2-4AE0-B677-FCAB38F30ADF
I'm guessing something on PSM hardening is blocking te specific tab but i wasnt able to find it.
Anyone had the same issue with PSM?