No, I'm not talking about ISP redundancy. We have already configured it and its working fine.
As we are using two ISP's, ISP1's LAN public ip pool is exhausted. So they provided new set of public ip pool (Example dd.dd.dd.0/29). I have a doubt about how to add the new IP pool to our existing network and make use of NATing for internal servers.
I have configured new public IP pool like below.
- In firewall added static route for new public lan pool pointing towards router interface IP like below.
"set static-route dd.dd.dd.0/29 nexthop gateway address AA.AA.AA.02 priority 1 on"
- Added reverse route in ISP1's router for dd.dd.dd.0/29 pointing towards firewalls cluster IP AA.AA.AA.01.
This configuration working fine and NATing also working fine. I have a doubt whether this configuration is enough or any other better option. Please suggest.