Hi Bekir,
I too have had this need several times, and without the funding for commercial tools, it can seem like an enormous task. What I have found is that you can segment the rule base instantly based on traffic flow direction with an accept and log rule. You can this massively cuts down the hits on 1 single rule and makes the task somewhat "easier".
For example, lets assume you have 2 networks.
- DMZ (
- Internal Server Network (
Instead of having your any any any rule solely in place, you could create the following rules above your global any.
Rule 1
Source: DMZ (
Destination: Server Network (
Service(s): Any
Action: Accept
Rule 2:
Source: Server Network (
Destination: DMZ (
Service(s): Any
Action: Accept
Log: Yes
You would then perform analysis on each of the rules independently and start to create your actual required rules above these more specific rules.
You should then see that your original ANY rule should start to get less and less hits until the point where you can change your action to drop as a global cleanup rule.
For the actual analysis we use CSV export from SmartView (web version of SmartLog) and then perform unique flow filtering within Excel. This shows us all unique connections seen over a time period, we can then validate the connection then create as required.
I would also look at connections that give a lot of noise that the firewall may see, Broadcast, multicast etc, validate those connections and if not required, drop them without logging. This will remove a lot of garbage from your outputs.
I hope that I have explained this OK, if not let me know and I will elaborate further.