First R80.20SP is out of support
Check how your SGM are connected to MHO, in R80.20SP the ID of orchestrator is given by SGM ports from SGM ports eth1-01 and eth1-03 should be connected to MHO1, then MHO1 is declared as primary. ports eth1-02 and eth1-04 should be connected to MHO2, then MHO2 is declared as secondary.
But that is not all.
you must configured on both MHO the same configuration, amount 2 site 1 etc
on clish
set maestro configuration orchestrator-amount 2
on expert run
service orchd restart
then should be able to run on clish on each orchestrator
set maestro port (tab to autocomplete) on MHO 1 you should see 1/X/X where 1 is for orchestrator 1 and 2/X/X for orchestrator 2 on MHO2 and see all ports on orchestrator tab WebUI