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Testing Maestro Active/Active Gateways for BGP configuration in Eve-NG Lab

Hello Eveyrone,

I want to create POC in Eve-ng Lab for a Maestro envriornmetn where at least two Gateways will have redundant BGP connections to routers. 

Since we Maestro is not supported in Eve-NG, I need some guidance on how can I create somthing close to this at least from Layer-3 preseptvie to test out the BGP parts with 2 R81 Gateways wihtout Maestro.

Since Maestro will have Gateways in Active/Active configurations, to have something close to that without Maestro, shall I set up a ClusterXL in active/active configuraiton to simulate the layer3 conenctivity for BGP? 

Will that behave as Maestro in terms of BGP and Layer 3 connectivity at least? or if there is a better way to go about this entire setup. 

4 Replies
Employee Employee

From a BGP perspective a single gateway is how Maestro appears to the network.


Hello Chris,

Thanks for quick reply and that makes sense. I can simulate that in Lab by using just one secuirty gateway.

However I am also udnerstanding the real scenarion bit by bit as I move forward with the test. 

There will be 2 Maestros chassis both connecting redundantly to a single Nexus swithces (as an example) and have BGP on peer relation on both links. 

To simulate that do I still need a single Secuirty Gateway in lab? or do I need 2 Secuirty Gateways in lab to simulate 2 seperate maestro Chassis? and how the redundant connections to the Nexus will be made in either case?

Employee Employee

What your describing from a BGP/peering perspective sounds like a single gateway with ECMP (sk100504).

Typically Maestro would connect using link aggregation / bonds. 

When you say two chassis do you mean two orchestrators (MHO) or a dual-site deployment?


Yes setup is MHO, not dual-site.

The connections to nexus are bonds, you are correct.

Althoguh I am not sure about ECMP at this point.