Current state
Current SMS ==> R81.10 Jumbo Hotfix Take 109
Gateway 1 (2 Appliance) ==> R 81.10
Gateway 2 (2 Appliance) ==> R 81.10
Future state
New SMS ==> Currently running 81.10 and need to upgrade to R81.10 Jumbo Hotfix Take 139
Maestro ==> R81.10
New security gateway/Group (2 groups and 4 new appliances)==> R81.10
The requirement is to migrate the current state to the Future state, Including all the configurations. Security gateway interface configuration will be done manually on Maestro uplink. My understanding is all other configs can take backup and restore
I'm looking for what is the best practice to do this migration.
would like to know if we need to upgrade Maestro and Security Gateway to R81.10 Jumbo Hotfix Take 139, Or is it good to keep it at 81.10 itself
While migrating the current device policy to the new security group will not get much lead time.
Also looking for correct order to do this Migration. Thanks in advance