We continue answering your questions, collected before the Maestro Masters Round Table event. This is the third batch. Two previous parts can be found here and here.
Q: What is the maximum number of gateways that the largest model of the Maestro solution can support?
A: 52 Gateways per site (104 max in dual site environment), 8 security groups, and 28 SGMs maximum per security group.
Q: What are the top 10 commands you use for troubleshooting in Maestro environment?
A: Here they are:
- asg monitor
- asg diag verify
- hcp
- orch_info
- asg_info
- orch_stat
- orch_stat –p
- asg perf -v
- g_fw ctl zdebug + drop
- g_tcpdump
Q: How do I upgrade from R80.20SP to R81.10 without having downtime?
A: Until the version R81.10 we do not support zero downtime upgrade, however, it will be supported from R81.10 to the next versions., R81.20 and above.
Q: What is the best approach to load balance a single "heavy connection (10GB+) via all gateways?
A: This is not possible. However, such a connection can be accelerated on MHO level in R81.20, with the so-called Fast Forward feature.