Dear Val;
My company use MHO solution, we had connected 2*7k and 2*16k, configured more than four virtual firewalls. Also we had Nexus 5k(two of them) for data center, thus creating a bond interface on the data center fire wall as a gate way (this bond has four 10G ports connected between MHO and Nexus) now we want to migrate to new Nexus 9k and for smooth operation we want to connect the new 9k to MHO and in the same bond with the old one so the gateway will not be changed, Thus this is to request you to advise me on this plan.
Our concern is that the old nexus has its own virtual grouping and the new ones will have their own so two different system thus is this a problem. Please give us your thoughts on this matter or point me to the right dxn.