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How can I find hotfix take installed on my 61000?

Hi CheckMates!

I've been trying to figure out a consistent way to collect the hotfix take for the Hotfix Accumulator installed on my 61000.

Some of my chassis are running R76SP40 (Yes..I know it's old) and R76SP50.

Dameon Welch-Abernathy‌ I read your post here What Version/Patch Level Do I Have Installed? 

The following SK article specifically indicates that the information does not pertain to the SP code How to check which Hotfixes are installed on a Check Point machine 

It seems like once I get my hands on R80.20SP, I can leverage cpinfo -y all to get the take information? For the time being, what could I use instead?

I've tried asg_hf_installer verify, but it only appears to work on SP50.

3 Replies
Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

asg_version verify -v will give this information.

Sent securely and tenderly from Check Point Capsule Workspace


Hi Oral,

I just saw this piece in the following SK How to check which Hotfixes are installed on a Check Point machine 


  • This check applies to all operating systems.

Refer to Check Point Registry file:

  • On Gaia / SecurePlatform / IPSO / XOS:


I just tried running this command. How should I determine which hotfix is the latest?:

[Expert@CP-R76.50-61K-VSX-ch01-01:0:ACTIVE]# cat $CPDIR/registry/ | grep -i hotfix
: (HotFixes
:HOTFIX_R76_01 (1)
:LastHFARegName (HOTFIX_R76_01)
: (HOTFIX_R76_01
: (HotFixes
:HOTFIX_R76_01 (1)
:LastHFARegName (HOTFIX_R76_01)
: (HOTFIX_R76_01
: (HotFixes
:HOTFIX_R76_01 (1)
:LastHFARegName (HOTFIX_R76_01)
: (HOTFIX_R76_01

Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

Please use the command I referred to in the previous post.

Sent securely and tenderly from Check Point Capsule Workspace