I've set up BGP many times on standard Check Point gateways including clustered ones, but have a client that will be looking to configure it in a Maestro R81.10 environment that is single site with dual orchestrators and non-chassis gateways. Any special tips/limitations to watch out for? So far I have:
- BGP confederations are not supported
- BGP can't be used with VxLAN interfaces or GRE interfaces
- BGP Graceful Restart will need to be enabled (and timers match with the BGP peer) to avoid a flap during a Maestro failover
Any other Maestro-specific tips for BGP? Paging @Kim_Moberg who has posted earlier about using BGP on Maestro.
Has anyone had to manually affine a dedicated core for routed due to it not getting enough CPU slices and causing a flap during security policy installation to the Security Group or other kinds of high CPU load events? Alas MDPS is not supported on Maestro...yet.
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