Of course, I look forward to a unified web interface.
But at present time, Infinity Portal still lacks some functionality which makes me reach for the thick client.
1) Client package upload
We've had a situation where a pre-QA client had been provided to us to deal with an issue, we were able to upload it to cloud management through SmartEndpoint
2) Quarantined items
There's no actual list of quarantined items per-device. With SmartEndpoint you would have access to that knowledge without having to parse through logs
3) Parsing through logs
Waaaay clunkier on Infinity Portal vs. SmartConsole, why can't we use the same search syntax? Sure you're able to get more or less the same result via GUI buttons, but with how slow the cloud is at times, it'd be nice to just write a string and be done with it instead of waiting for the page to refresh with every click.
4) This thread basically
Granular permissions would be nice. With on-prem deployments we generally don't even serve that many seats where we'd need a large enough admin team to warrant anything other than full rights. With the cloud we do.
I could probably think of more things, but at this current moment in time, the feature parity just isn't there. I haven't had the chance to try Web SmartConsole for on-prem deployments yet, but from what I've heard it's not much better there.
Again, I'm looking forward to it, but it seems there's a decent way ahead to it being an upgrade vs. a slight downgrade in exchange for practicality of access.