1) First off in the gateway object definitions for the two cluster members, make sure you are specifying the "nearest" or "facing" IP addresses for the two gateways to avoid asymmetric handling of control traffic through the cluster.
2) On each gateway run the expert mode command fw unloadlocal. Run fw stat to verify the gateways have no policy loaded.
Now attempt your policy push to both gateways and wait for it to fail.
Now run fw stat again, did either gateway get the policy?
If yes, then you have an anti-spoofing issue blocking subsequent policy installation and monitoring traffic on TCP ports 256 and 18191 respectively. To verify run these commands on both gateways in expert mode to disable anti-spoofing enforcement on the fly:
fw ctl set int fw_antispoofing_enabled 0
fw ctl set int sim_anti_spoofing_enabled 0 -a
If things suddenly start working now you need to fix your topology settings on the cluster object in SmartConsole, run fw unloadlocal and try to push policy again.
If no, check the time and date on the SMS and gateways to ensure it is in sync. Assuming it is you have some kind of routing or NAT problem in the intervening network. You will need to determine if the issue is in the forward direction (SMS->gateway) or return direction (gateway->SMS). One way to help determine this is to initiate a policy pull from the gateway instead of pushing it from the SMS by running the following command in expert mode on both gateways after a fw unloadlocal:
fw fetch
Does a pull work but not a push or vice-versa?
3) Run a tcptraceroute -p 18191 and tcptraceroute -p 256 from the SMS to the gateways and then from the gateways to the SMS and compare the results. Any asymmetry? NAT occurring somewhere? Dead hops blocking the traffic?
Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones