It is normal to see a low amount of pswpins/s with sar -W as processes read various types of data off the hard drive such as code pages, libraries, conf files, etc. Default pagesize in Linux is 4KB, and the highest number shown in your output is 0.53 pages swapped in per second, or approximately 2KB per second being read from the hard drive which is inconsequential.
Notice that pswpout/s is always zero in your screenshot which means no pages of memory are getting involuntarily thrown out of memory to the hard drive due to a shortage of RAM. When this number is nonzero then you have some cause for concern.
The memory growth you are seeing is probably due to use of RAM for buffering/caching of hard drive operations, please post output of free -m.
As Dameon Welch Abernathy noted, wstlsd is related to HTTPS Inspection and the "Categorize HTTPS Sites" checkbox and was covered in my book. While the memory allocated by each wstlsd process may look concerning, a large amount of that memory is actually being shared amongst the wstlsd processes since they are all doing pretty much the same operations. So the overall amount of memory being consumed by these processes can appear far higher than it is in actuality.
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