This may be helpful to those new to VSX clusters. We are occasionally tasked with introducing certain changes to the environment and, if yours was pretty static over extended period of time, this too may be helpful.
In this example, we'll be creating new bond, adding interfaces to it, introducing new virtual switches and a new virtual system that should be more heavily loaded than the two preexisting VS'.
To demonstrate that the established sessions on preexisting VS' are not affected during this procedure, an SSH session is maintained and monitored.
VSX modification procedure
Phase 1, configuring new bond:
1. Backup and snapshot all components of the Check Point infrastructure
2. Pre-configure LACP bonds on the Cisco switches
3. Log on to Management server and both VSX units via CLI and open SmartConsole
4. Verify that newly added physical interfaces are not listed inthe "physical Interfaces" properties of the VSX cluster object in SmartConsole. If they are present there, delete them and install policy.
5. Using vsx_util vsls, move all virtual systems to one of the cluster members (VSX2)
6. Confirm good cluster state and active systems allocation from "vsx_util vsls" as well as running cphaprob on cluster members
7. On "empty" VSX cluster member "set vsx off"
8. On "empty" VSX cluster member set newly added physical interfaces state to "ON"
9. On "empty" VSX cluster member create bonding group, assign member interfaces and configure bonding group mode parameters
10. Set newly configured bond interface to "ON"
11. On "empty" VSX cluster member "set vsx on"
12. save config
13. wait for about a minute, then verify the state of the cluster by running "cphaprob stat" on both cluster members
14. If cluster looks healthy, use "vsx_util vsls" to move all virtual systems to the cluster member with newly defined bonding group (VSX1)
15. Confirm good cluster state and active systems allocation from "vsx_util vsls" as well as running cphaprob on cluster members
16. On "empty" VSX cluster member "set vsx off"
17. On "empty" VSX cluster member set newly added physical interfaces state to "ON"
18. On "empty" VSX cluster member create bonding group, assign member interfaces and configure bonding group mode parameters
19. Set newly configured bond interface to "ON"
20. On "empty" VSX cluster member "set vsx on"
21. Save config
22. wait for about a minute, then verify the state of the cluster by running "cphaprob stat" on both cluster members
23. If cluster looks healthy, use "vsx_util vsls" to redistribute virtual systems between cluster nodes
24. Exit "vsx_util vsls" and the "Expert" mode on the management server
25. In SmartConsole, add new bond interface to the "Physical Interfaces" properties of the cluster and select the checkbox designating it as a Trunk.
26. save settings and push policy
27. Verify the state of the bond on individual cluster members
Below is the actual execution of the procedures emulated in my lab environment. For testing the stability of the existing connections, two linux VMs Mint-LAB-Int1 and Mint-LAB-Ext were deployed and SSH session established through one of the existing VS running "watch hostname".
Incrementing time was used to asses survivability of the session.
[Expert@VSX1:0]# ifconfig | grep inet
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Mask:
[Expert@VSX1:0]# vsenv 2
Context is set to Virtual Device VSX1_VSA (ID 2).
[Expert@VSX1:2]# ifconfig | grep inet
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Mask:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
[Expert@VSX1:2]# vsenv 3
Context is set to Virtual Device VSX1_VSB (ID 3).
[Expert@VSX1:3]# ifconfig | grep inet
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Mask:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
[Expert@VSX1:3]# exit
VSX1:0> show interfaces
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Int1 ~ $ ip -4 a | grep inet
inet scope host lo
inet brd scope global ens32
inet brd scope global dynamic ens34
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Int1 ~ $ ip -4 r
default via dev ens34 proto static metric 101 via dev ens32 proto static dev ens32 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev ens32 scope link metric 1000 dev ens34 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Int1 ~ $
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Int1 ~ $ traceroute -I
traceroute to (, 64 hops max
1 0.414ms 0.131ms 0.161ms
2 0.454ms 0.417ms 0.333ms
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Int1 ~ $
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Int1 ~ $ ssh vladimir@
vladimir@'s password:
Welcome to Linux Mint 18 Sarah (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-21-generic i686)
* Documentation:
Last login: Sat Nov 17 13:36:02 2018 from
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Ext ~ $
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Ext ~ $ date
Sun Nov 18 12:22:41 EST 2018
vladimir@Mint-LAB-Ext ~ $ watch hostname
Every 2.0s: hostname Sun Nov 18 12:23:07 2018
VSX1:0> show interface eth5
state off
mac-addr 00:0c:29:e0:89:0d
type ethernet
link-state link down
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed N/A
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex N/A
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed 10G/full
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:0 packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:235100110 packets:2560164 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VSX1:0> show interface eth6
state off
mac-addr 00:0c:29:e0:89:17
type ethernet
link-state link down
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed N/A
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex N/A
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed 10G/full
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:0 packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:235103370 packets:2560197 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VSX2:0> show interface eth5
state off
mac-addr 00:0c:29:3b:9d:d2
type ethernet
link-state link down
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed N/A
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex N/A
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed 10G/full
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:0 packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:234912228 packets:2558103 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VSX2:0> show interface eth6
state off
mac-addr 00:0c:29:3b:9d:dc
type ethernet
link-state link down
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed N/A
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex N/A
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed 10G/full
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:0 packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:234910396 packets:2558080 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSID| VS name | VSX1 | VSX2 | Weight |
2 | VSA | 0 | 1 | 10 |
3 | VSB | 1 | 0 | 10 |
Total weight | 10 | 10 | 20 |
0 - Highest priority
1 - Lowest priority
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSX1:0> cphaprob stat
Cluster Mode: Virtual System Load Sharing
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 (local) 100% Active
2 0% Standby
Cluster name: VSXCXL
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| VSX1 | VSX2
| | [local] |
2 | 10 | Active | Standby
3 | 10 | Standby | Active
Active | 1 | 1
Weight | 10 | 10
Weight (%) | 50 | 50
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down
VSX2:0> cphaprob stat
Cluster Mode: Virtual System Load Sharing
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 100% Active
2 (local) 0% Standby
Cluster name: VSXCXL
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| VSX1 | VSX2
| | | [local]
2 | 10 | Active | Standby
3 | 10 | Standby | Active
Active | 1 | 1
Weight | 10 | 10
Weight (%) | 50 | 50
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]: 3
1) VSX1
2) VSX2
Please select which member will hold all virtual systems Active:2
The following virtual systems distribution chosen:
Active : VSX2
Standby : VSX1
Policy installation is required to apply the configuration. Make sure the cluster
members are up and reachable before continuing.
Save & apply configuration ? (y|n) [y]:y
VS Load Sharing configuration saved successfully...
The virtual system(s) were successfully redistributed
Installing new policy...
Policy installation finished successfully.
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSID| VS name | VSX1 | VSX2 | Weight |
2 | VSA | 1 | 0 | 10 |
3 | VSB | 1 | 0 | 10 |
Total weight | 0 | 20 | 20 |
0 - Highest priority
1 - Lowest priority
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSX1:0> cphaprob stat
Cluster Mode: Virtual System Load Sharing
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 (local) 100% Active
2 0% Standby
Cluster name: VSXCXL
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| VSX1 | VSX2
| | [local] |
2 | 10 | Standby | Active
3 | 10 | Standby | Active
Active | 0 | 2
Weight | 0 | 20
Weight (%) | 0 | 100
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down
VSX2:0> cphaprob stat
Cluster Mode: Virtual System Load Sharing
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 100% Active
2 (local) 0% Standby
Cluster name: VSXCXL
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| VSX1 | VSX2
| | | [local]
2 | 10 | Standby | Active
3 | 10 | Standby | Active
Active | 0 | 2
Weight | 0 | 20
Weight (%) | 0 | 100
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down
VSX1:0> set vsx off
VSX1> set interface eth5 state on
VSX1> set interface eth6 state on
VSX1> add bonding group 4
VSX1> add bonding group 4 interface eth5
VSX1> add bonding group 4 interface eth6
VSX1> set bonding group 4 mode 8023AD
VSX1> set bonding group 4 lacp-rate slow
VSX1> set bonding group 4 xmit-hash-policy layer2
VSX1> set interface bond4 state on
VSX1> save config
VSX1> set vsx on
VSX1:0> save config
VSX1> show interface bond4
state on
mac-addr 00:0c:29:e0:89:0d
type bond
link-state not available
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed N/A
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex N/A
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed Not configured
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:1240 packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:231218 packets:2524 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]: 3
1) VSX1
2) VSX2
Please select which member will hold all virtual systems Active:1
The following virtual systems distribution chosen:
Active : VSX1
Standby : VSX2
Policy installation is required to apply the configuration. Make sure the cluster
members are up and reachable before continuing.
Save & apply configuration ? (y|n) [y]:y
VS Load Sharing configuration saved successfully...
The virtual system(s) were successfully redistributed
Installing new policy...
Policy installation finished successfully.
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSID| VS name | VSX1 | VSX2 | Weight |
2 | VSA | 0 | 1 | 10 |
3 | VSB | 0 | 1 | 10 |
Total weight | 20 | 0 | 20 |
0 - Highest priority
1 - Lowest priority
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSX1:0> cphaprob stat
Cluster Mode: Virtual System Load Sharing
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 (local) 100% Active
2 0% Standby
Cluster name: VSXCXL
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| VSX1 | VSX2
| | [local] |
2 | 10 | Active | Standby
3 | 10 | Active | Standby
Active | 2 | 0
Weight | 20 | 0
Weight (%) | 100 | 0
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down
VSX2:0> cphaprob stat
Cluster Mode: Virtual System Load Sharing
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 100% Active
2 (local) 0% Standby
Cluster name: VSXCXL
Virtual Devices Status on each Cluster Member
ID | Weight| VSX1 | VSX2
| | | [local]
2 | 10 | Active | Standby
3 | 10 | Active | Standby
Active | 2 | 0
Weight | 20 | 0
Weight (%) | 100 | 0
Legend: Init - Initializing, Active! - Active Attention
Down! - ClusterXL Inactive or Virtual System is Down
VSX2:0> set vsx off
VSX2> set interface eth5 state on
VSX2> set interface eth6 state on
VSX2> add bonding group 4
VSX2> add bonding group 4 interface eth5
VSX2> add bonding group 4 interface eth6
VSX2> set bonding group 4 mode 8023AD
VSX2> set bonding group 4 lacp-rate slow
VSX2> set bonding group 4 xmit-hash-policy layer2
VSX2> set interface bond4 state on
VSX2> save config
VSX2> set vsx on
VSX2:0> save config
VSX2:0> show int eth5
CLINFR0329 Invalid command:'show int eth5'.
VSX2:0> show interface eth5
state on
mac-addr 00:0c:29:3b:9d:d2
type ethernet
link-state link up
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed 10G
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex full
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed 10G/full
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:38068 packets:307 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:206564 packets:1929 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VSX2:0> show interface eth6
state on
mac-addr 00:0c:29:3b:9d:d2
type ethernet
link-state link up
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed 10G
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex full
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed 10G/full
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:40548 packets:327 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:219610 packets:2051 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VSX2:0> show interface bond 4
CLINFR0329 Invalid command:'show interface bond 4'.
VSX2:0> show interface bond4
state on
mac-addr 00:0c:29:3b:9d:d2
type bond
link-state not available
instance 0
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation Not configured
speed N/A
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex N/A
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed Not configured
ipv4-address Not Configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured
TX bytes:90768 packets:732 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:491112 packets:4585 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]: 2
Weight assigned to each Virtual System to reflect its relative load
and priority list to determine which cluster member will hold the
Virtual System in active, backup or standby state.
The Virtual System priority list will be changed in such manner that
the total weight is balanced among all cluster members.
Policy installation is required to apply the configuration. Make sure the cluster
members are up and reachable before continuing.
Save & apply configuration ? (y|n) [y]:y
Redistributing the virtual systems...
VS Load Sharing configuration saved successfully...
The virtual system(s) were successfully redistributed
Installing new policy...
Policy installation finished successfully.
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSID| VS name | VSX1 | VSX2 | Weight |
2 | VSA | 0 | 1 | 10 |
3 | VSB | 1 | 0 | 10 |
Total weight | 10 | 10 | 20 |
0 - Highest priority
1 - Lowest priority
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
[Expert@VSX1:0]# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond4
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.2.4 (January 28, 2008)
Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 200
Down Delay (ms): 200
802.3ad info
LACP rate: slow
Active Aggregator Info:
Aggregator ID: 1
Number of ports: 2
Actor Key: 33
Partner Key: 33
Partner Mac Address: 00:0c:29:3b:9d:d2
Slave Interface: eth5
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:0c:29:e0:89:0d
Aggregator ID: 1
Slave Interface: eth6
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:0c:29:e0:89:17
Aggregator ID: 1
[Expert@VSX2:0]# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond4
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.2.4 (January 28, 2008)
Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 200
Down Delay (ms): 200
802.3ad info
LACP rate: slow
Active Aggregator Info:
Aggregator ID: 1
Number of ports: 2
Actor Key: 33
Partner Key: 33
Partner Mac Address: 00:0c:29:e0:89:0d
Slave Interface: eth5
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:0c:29:3b:9d:d2
Aggregator ID: 1
Slave Interface: eth6
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:0c:29:3b:9d:dc
Aggregator ID: 1
Phase 2, configuring new Virtual Switch:
See Word Document
VSX modification instructions
1. Exit “vsx_util vsls” from CLI of the management server to remove the lock from the Cluster Object
2. Add bond4 to the Physical Interfaces of the VSX cluster:

Phase 3, configure Virtual System
See Word Document

Specify desired “Main IP Address” according to your established convention and add static and/or default route(s) if required:

Phase 4, Assign 2x Weight to the new VS and redistribute load.
This is done in anticipation of the new VS handling disproportionally larger traffic load.
It will force two existing VMs to co-exist on a VSX cluster member different from that handling
this new VS:
SMS8020> expert
Enter expert password:
Warning! All configurations should be done through clish
You are in expert mode now.
[Expert@SMS8020:0]# vsx_util vsls
* Note: the operation you are about to perform changes the information in the management *
* database. Back up the database before continuing. *
Enter Security Management Server/main Domain Management Server IP address (Hit 'ENTER' for 'localhost'):
Enter Administrator Name: admin
Enter Administrator Password:
Select VSX cluster object name:
Select: 1
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]: 4
Update Virtual System VSLS parameter can be done using one of the following methods:
[m]anually - update single Virtual System weight and priority
[a]utomatic - iterate each and every Virtual System and update their weight
Please select update method (m|a) [m]:a
Please enter new weight for the following Virtual Systems, the default value is the current configured weight.
Enter 's' to stop the update procedure, leaving the remaining Virtual Systems weight unchanged.
Please enter weight for VSA [10]:
Skipping current Virtual system, weight remain unchanged!
Please enter weight for VSB [10]:
Skipping current Virtual system, weight remain unchanged!
Please enter weight for VSSVR [10]: 20
Policy installation is required to apply the configuration. Make sure the cluster
members are up and reachable before continuing.
Save & apply configuration ? (y|n) [y]:y
VS Load Sharing configuration saved successfully...
The virtual system(s) were successfully redistributed
Installing new policy...
Policy installation finished successfully.
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSID| VS name | VSX1 | VSX2 | Weight |
2 | VSA | 0 | 1 | 10 |
3 | VSB | 1 | 0 | 10 |
5 | VSSVR | 0 | 1 | 20 |
Total weight | 30 | 10 | 40 |
0 - Highest priority
1 - Lowest priority
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]: 2
Weight assigned to each Virtual System to reflect its relative load
and priority list to determine which cluster member will hold the
Virtual System in active, backup or standby state.
The Virtual System priority list will be changed in such manner that
the total weight is balanced among all cluster members.
Policy installation is required to apply the configuration. Make sure the cluster
members are up and reachable before continuing.
Save & apply configuration ? (y|n) [y]:y
Redistributing the virtual systems...
VS Load Sharing configuration saved successfully...
The virtual system(s) were successfully redistributed
Installing new policy...
Policy installation finished successfully.
VS Load Sharing - Menu
1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration
2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster member is equally loaded
3. Set all VSes active on one member
4. Manually set priority and weight
5. Import configuration from a file
6. Export configuration to a file
7. Exit
Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]:
VSID| VS name | VSX1 | VSX2 | Weight |
2 | VSA | 1 | 0 | 10 |
3 | VSB | 1 | 0 | 10 |
5 | VSSVR | 0 | 1 | 20 |
Total weight | 20 | 20 | 40 |
0 - Highest priority
Phase 5, configure OSPF and other VS-specific parameters on EACH CLUSTER MEMBER
VSX1:0> show virtual-system all
Virtual systems list
0 0
1 VSX1_VSWitch1
4 VSX1_VirtualSwitch2
VSX1:0> set virtual-system 5
Context is set to vsid 5
VSX1:5> set ospf area backbone off
set instance 5 ospf area backbone off
VSX1:5> set ospf area on
set instance 5 ospf area on
VSX1:5> save config
VSX2:0> set virtual-system 5
Context is set to vsid 5
VSX2:5> set ospf area backbone off
set instance 5 ospf area backbone off
VSX2:5> set ospf area on
set instance 5 ospf area on
VSX2:5> save config
SSH session established prior to the manipulation of the VSX infrastructure remains intact:
Every 2.0s: hostname Sun Nov 18 15:06:44 2018