Since over 9 years i have been using a homegrown OpenSearch PlugIn for my Firefox browser (IE and Chrome can use them also). The reason was that i wanted to switch to any SR# in no time by dragging or pasting the SR# into the search field an hitting enter. Same i did program for our internal ticket system. This was really very time saving, as from an email, i could quickly change to the support ticket in question.
So i was very unhappy as CP introduced beyond - other as before, every SR# now has three indexes,not one ! Ashley Black made clear that it is the UID that points to the SR' website in this discussion BEYOND - Customer Success Hub.
I now have reworked my plugin, but had to use the Mycroft Project to be able to add it to my Firefox list of search engines. It works easy: You copy from the URL of the SR# only the
paste into the search field, type enter, and...
OK, i see, it is not so handy as it had been, especially as you get the UID only from the UserCenter page of the SR#, but not e.g. from an email - but i can record it in my ticket system and use it from there...
As i was in scripting and testing already, i added one to the job and buildt a open search SK engine - to find e.g. sk25164, you copy 25164, paste into the search field, type enter, and...
As Dameon suggested, i did another search plugin for UC text searching and called it CPSeeker
You can find the plugins here: MyCPopensearchplugins
Have fun !
CCSP - CCSE / CCTE / CTPS / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist