I've been migrating a few gateways with local users configured, and found the following true for clish in R80.40 (unrelated to sk110222):
- the realname field for a local user, when entered interactively or loaded via a configuration file, must be wrapped in quotes
- the output of the realname field for a local user, when exported from clish, is not wrapped in quotes.
This is problematic, as we can see below:
[Expert@fw-01:0]# clish
fw-01> set user test realname "test user"
fw-01> save config
fw-01> save configuration fw-01.conf
fw-01> quit
[Expert@fw-01:0]# clish -c "show configuration" | grep "test realname"
set user test realname test user
[Expert@fw-01:0]# grep "test realname" fw-01.conf
set user test realname test user
[Expert@fw-01:0]# clish
fw-01> set user test realname test user
CLINFR0329 Invalid command:'set user test realname test user'.
fw-01> quit
This also means the config file will not load from clish either, without set clienv on-failure continue
I wrote some crude regex to fix this and restore the quotes around usernames, so the configs can be easily ported between Gaia machines with the full username:
[Expert@fw-01:0]# cat fw-01.conf | sed 's/realname \([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*\)/realname "\1"/g' > fw-01_fixed.conf
[Expert@fw-01:0]# grep "test realname" fw-01_fixed.conf
set user test realname "test user "
Forget about the space, we can live with that 🙂
I also found the following regarding clish config files:
- the file encoding must be ANSI, at least on kernel 2.6 / R80.30 as UTF-8 did not work
- EOL must be Unix (LF), Windows (CR/LF) is not supported
- dos2unix is helpful here
I'm considering the realname issue a bug and will log a TAC case. Note this does not affect the config db (flat file or SQLite):
[Expert@fw-01:0]# grep "test:realname" /config/db/initial
passwd:test:realname test\ user
[Expert@fw-01:0]# dbget passwd:test:realname
test user
I hope this is helpful for others.