Hi All,
Good day. We have encountered a license error on one of our gateways. IPS License is about to expire. As checked this is only a trial/evaluation license but we didn't installed this eval license it only appear.
This is the license
# cplic print -x
Host Expiration Signature Features
trial 13May2024 axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PNP_BLAD E_IPS:V1:trial CPSB-IPS
We tried to remove it using CPLIC Del but its unable to delete the eval license.
We can't use this SK https://support.checkpoint.com/results/sk/sk171072 because it require downtime due to cpstop and cpstart.
Also, we notice that the contracts expiration is not the same on the license. Does this error might cause by outdated contracts? If we update the contract this license error will be remove?
Thank you