Here is what Account services sent me recently to apply licenses properly, see below.
Instructions (EXACT email):
Dear Andy,
Thank you for contacting Check Point Account Services.
If you are a Licenser or Admin on the machine's account, please follow the below steps in order to license your product:
Please note that this is broken down into 3 stages:
A. Generate the license
B. Install the license
C. Update contracts file
A. Generate the license:
1. Login to your UC user > Click "Assets/Info" / "My Check Point" > Click "Product Center" > Select your account(s) from the "Selected Accounts" menu and click Done.
2. Check the box to the left of the line item(s) that require a license generation.
3. Click "License" button that has the key icon.
4. Choose 'Central' license and input the MGMT IP that manages the vSec gateway(s)
5. Complete the rest of the required fields (marked with an asterisk)
6. Click "Activate" button (if re-licensing a product, option will be "Change")
7. Click "Get License Information" and copy the two commands that begin with 'cplic put ...' aside
B. Install the license:
1. Open SSH to the MGMT in expert mode
2. Paste the command which is labeled "For the Security Management Server"
3. Run the command "vsec_lic_cli on"
4. Run the command "vsec_lic_cli"
5. Choose option 1 (Add license)
6. Paste the command labeled "For the Security Gateway:" without the parts "cplic put" and "[module name]".
Example: never dUy6trBX8-jmVyWKQSX-xzdTkVFVT-76nMEXDks cpsg-ve+8 cpsb-base cpsb-fw cpsm-c-2 cpsb-vpn cpsb-adnc cpsb-npm cpsb-logs cpsb-ips cpsb-av cpsb-urlf cpsb-apcl cpsb-aspm cpsb-abot-s cpsb-ctnt CK-ABCDEF1234567
7. The license should be distributed to the GW's - if not manage the distribution through the other commands in "vsec_lic_cli", for more information see:
The admin guide:
C. Update Contracts File:
1. Login to your UC user
2. Click "Assets/Info"/"My Check Point" > Click "Download Contract File".
3. In the section titled "Service Contract File Download", select the Account(s) you need your Service Contract File for.
4. Select "Email File" or "Download Now".
5. Login to SmartUpdate
6. From the menu: select "Licenses & Contracts" > "Update Contracts > "Import File"
7. Browse to the directory where the file is located and click "Open"
8. The file will be added to the respective certificate key(s)
Finally, to verify the file was successfully installed, run 'cplic print -x' on the command line.
Check Point Account Services
Phone: (US) +1 972-444-6600, option 3