We have a rather annoying issue with our windows management servers being overloaded from the SmartConsole process.
I would like some advice if this is expected behaviour, or if something can be done.
So basically the issue is that SmartConsole causes (some) cpu load just by being opened.
We have decent hosts 3.1Ghz Xeons with 8 cores (virtual servers)
using r81.20 newest SMC client.
So logging into the MDS main domain causes smartconsole.exe to take up ~5% cpu load (on the client), continuously. Doesn't matter if the application is minimized or what tab is highlighed.
The same is true for having a Domain opened, again number of policies open or tab selected does not matter. The CPU load balances around 5% for this single console
With 10ish domains and 20+ admins who work on multiple domains at a time, this CPU load really adds up and most of our (client) management servers are running 100% loaded.
So anyone got any experience with this? I have requested to have all our servers lifted to 16 cores - but still...
I suspect with all different admins connected - there could be a lot of polling (ie gateway health) or "task sync" between the different clients. I am looking at smartconsole.exe.config and wonder if this can help us. Ie the standard values:
<Notifications HandlingIntervalMilliseconds="20" HandlingSleepinglMilliseconds="200"/>
<Connection KeepAliveIntervalSeconds="10" KeepAliveSessionTimeoutSeconds="30"
<DereferenceCache CacheAnalyzerIntervalMilliseconds="10000" MinTimeToLive="00:10:00" SizeMargin="10" CacheSizeLimit="4000"/>
And maybe others? None of these entries seem to be documented
Any ideas??