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R80.30 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator - New Ongoing Take 136

Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus
0 0 772

A new Ongoing Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take for R80.30 (Take 136) was released today and is available for download. Please refer to  sk153152

This take is updated take 135 (released on Jan 13)


Release Content:

         PRJ-8216 - Management HA synchronization failure with the error message "failed to export data" on MDM/SMC environment with at least 3 machines.


Please note the following:

  • The new releases is mentioned Jumbo SK: sk153152
  • The new releases will be published via CPUSE as a recommended version once it will be published as GA.
  • Availability:

o   Will be provided by customer support

o   Available for download via CPUSE by using package identifier.

For more information on Jumbo releases, please refer to this thread “R80.XX Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator - Did You Know?“ 

Thanks ,

Release Management Group
