To solve the CVE-2024-24919 issue sk182336, the following must be done on the Check Point Gateway.
1) First create a snapshot of the gateway

2) Open the GAIA PORTAL and check if the latest jumbo hotfix is installed.

3) For R81.20 this would currently be Take 53. If this is not installed, install it. If this Take is already installed, you can skip the step.
a) Download this Take
b) Verify the Take
c) Install this Take

4) Reboot the Security Gateway
CVE-2024-24919 on top hotfixes are currently available for the following gateway versions sk182336.

5) Afterwards install the special hotfix for the corresponding Jumbo Hotfix version and GAIA version.
a) Download this hotfix
b) Verify this hotfix
c) Install this hotfix

6) If you want to prevent users from logging in with their password, you should also install this patch.
This disables the VPN login for password-only users.
a) Download this "Security hardening for Remote Access user" patch
b) Verify this patch
c) Install this patch

The same steps are also possible via SmartConsole.
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