I have configured site to site VPN between Checkpoint(R81.20 JHF T41) and Strongswan in Ubuntu(DAIP gateway).
Assume Host-A is behind Checkpoint and Host-B is behind Strongswan in Ubuntu.
One way traffic is dropping in Site to Site VPN with DAIP gateway
I have configured site to site VPN between Checkpoint(R81.20 JHF T41) and Strongswan in Ubuntu(DAIP gateway).
Assume Host-A is behind Checkpoint and Host-B is behind Strongswan in Ubuntu.
VPN tunnel is up and traffic initiated from Host-B to Host-A is working, But traffic initiated from Host-A to Host-B is not working.
Smartlog shows traffic is accepted and encrypted in community, But when checked on zdebug it is getting dropped with below error.
zdebug when pinging from Host-A to Host-B:

zdebug when initiating telnet from Host-A to Host-B on port 443:

CP VPN status:

Strongswan VPN status:

My understating as per the logs, Checkpoint instead of sending traffic on existing tunnel, It is trying to create new tunnel for the encryption domain and failing in process as the peer is dynamic in interoperable object.
Please help me to fix this issue.