Here is the equivalent command to list all the variables in the sim (SecureXL Implementation Module) driver:
modinfo -p $PPKDIR/boot/modules/sim_kern*.o | sort -u | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} ; {print $1}' | xargs -i fw ctl get int {} -a 2> /dev/null | grep "PPAK 0:" | cut -d: -f2
While this command and the one Heiko provided can be useful for obtaining insight to the various kernel settings that are available, be warned that the variable names may not mean what you think they mean, or cause unintended consequences (including even crashing or hanging the firewall) if you attempt to tamper with them. Most of these variables are undocumented, and I'd especially not recommend messing with those outside a lab environment without consulting TAC first.
Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones