Hello Community,
Greetings to all.
Using the NMAP tool, I did a port scan in my internal network and found ports 2000 and 5060 Open. Interestingly, NMAP found these ports open on security gateway Mgmt IPs and management server IP addresses. In the rule base, only ports 22 (SSH) and 443 (HTTPS) is allowed on Gateway and SMS IPs.
Somehow, I can do telnet on 5060 and 2000. When I check the logs for these Telnet connections it shows "Drop" and hits the explicit rule I created.
The question is if ports 5060 and 2000 are not allowed in the security policy then why and how Telnet is possible despite the "DROP" log seen on the smart console?
Looking forward to suggestions.
Checkpoint 5600 HA (Active-Passive)
OS: GAIA R81.10 Take 87
Blades: IPS, Anti Virus, AntiBot
Thank you.