Sounds like someone may have messed with the default Multi-Queue configuration which is a big no-no as it interferes with dynamic split and hyperflow. Please post output of mq_mng --show and netstat -ni. All interfaces should report a state of Up, and Mode of Auto or Dynamic. Here is the text warning about this in my Gateway Performance Optimization Course:
Trying to manually change the state or operation of Multi-Queue on individual network interfaces from clish or using the mq_mng command is strongly discouraged under Gaia 3.10, as doing so is likely to disrupt the proper balancing of traffic across the multiple traffic queues thus causing voluminous RX-DRPs and hurting performance, especially if Dynamic Balancing/Split is present.
Examples: sk154392: An available CPU Core is not handling any queue, when using Multi-Q & sk115998: Multi-queue not mapping its queues to CPUs in ascending order & sk173950: High CPU for SND cores due to MQ configuration issues on VSX environment. To determine if this issue is present on your firewall and how to rectify it, see sk168498: High rate of input discards after reboot when Multi-Queue is configured.
The log file for the Multi-Queue feature $FWDIR/log/mq_mng.elg may also be helpful to determine if someone tampered with the Multi-Queue default configuration. Note that if Dynamic Balancing/Split is enabled, you will see a state of "Dynamic" instead of "Auto" as shown in the prior screenshot, thus indicating that Dynamic Balancing/Split has properly taken control of Multi-Queue for that interface. Main Takeaway: Do NOT mess with Multi-Queue, leave the defaults set!
Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones