My top CLI commands
Who using the most cpu
ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -r -k1 | less
To remove a connection from the connection table
fw tab -t connections -u > table
IPA="1024"; IPB="1024"; IPAHEX=`printf '%02x' ${IPA//./ }`; IPBHEX=`printf '%02x' ${IPB//./ }`; grep "$IPAHEX" table | grep "$IPBHEX" | grep "^<0000000" | awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6}'|sed 's/ //g'|sed 's/</fw tab -t connections -x -e /g'|sed 's/>//g'|sed 's/;//g' > listall
cat listofall
fw tab -t connections -x -e 00000001,50a99963,000001f4,81231bc4,000001f4,00000011
fw tab -t connections -x -e 00000001,81231bc4,000001f4,50a99963,000001f4,00000011
fw tab -t connections -x -e 00000000,81231bc4,000001f4,50a99963,000001f4,00000011
fw tab -t connections -x -e 00000000,50a99963,000001f4,81231bc4,000001f4,00000011
Remote commands from CMA
`$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server $Firewall_IP -verbose rexec -rcmd /bin/clish -c
Identity Awareness
pdp monitor summary all
netstat -anp | grep wmic
pdp d rotate
adlog a d on
adlog a d extended
pdp debug on
pdp d s all all
adlog a control reconf;sleep 5;watch -n 1 -d "adlog a dc"
adlog a d off
pdp d unset all all
pdp d off
cat $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg | grep -i
fw tab -t pdp_sessions -t pdp_super_sessions -t pdp_encryption_keys -t pdp_whitelist -t pdp_timers -t pdp_expired_timers -t pdp_ip -t pdp_net_reg -t pdp_net_db -t pdp_cluster_stat -t pep_pdp_db -t pep_networks_to_pdp_db -t pep_net_reg -t pep_reported_network_masks_db -t pep_port_range_db -t pep_async_id_calls -t pep_client_db -t pep_identity_index -t pep_revoked_key_clients -t pep_src_mapping_db -t pep_log_completion -x -y
fw kill pdpd
fw kill pepd
killing Zombies
To find a zombie process
ps aux | awk '"[Zz]" ~ $8 { printf("%s, PID = %d\n", $8, $2); }'
Kill a Zombie process run
kill -9 $(ps -A -ostat,ppid | grep -e '[zZ]'| awk '{ print $2 }')
running top again the counter for zombie should now be 0