we have managers and gateways and we are planning to upgrade the hardware of all of them (gateways and managers). The plan is to build all of them independently (in parallel) of the existent managers.
We will also change the manager IP, so we will need to re license all the gateways licenses.
Do you know if there are official guidelines or recommendations? Or has anybody got experience on it?
My question is about the migration itself. I assume that as soon as we re license a gateway license for the new manager ip the old license with the old gateway will be automatically invalid. So I was thinking that this may be the best plan:
1) The old manager has all the official licenses and the new manager none,
2) Install evaluation licenses in the old manager and the new manager.
3) The old manager and gateways are in production and the new manager and new gateways are ready but offline yet.
4) Disconnect the old gateway from the network and connect the new gateway. The new gateway will make use of the temporary license installed in the new manager.
* At this point if a rollback was needed, the old manager and old gateway still have the official license.
5) Re license the official license for the new manager ip and install it in the new manager.
* At this point if a rollback was needed, the old manager and old gateway have the evaluation licenses.
6) Uninstall the evaluation license from the new manager.