I am curious as to whether anyone else is seeing a great deal of traffic to 4 ip addresses....
104.244.xx.20 with the xx being either 36, 37, 38 or 39
We have ~3000 pc's on our network and I am seeing ~100 logs in an hour for each one. (first thing this morning I had 24,431 logs, not everyone is in yet)
I have googled these addresses and some sites say it is malware, some say it is good, but I can't find a reliable source to let me know what it is. The site name is <daldt or amidt> .adsafeprotected.com. When I go to their www site it does not look malicious (but I know that is not an indicator that the site is ok). I have all the traffic blocked right now and nothing is breaking. The traffic is coming from all the PC's on our network, including mine, and it must be behind the scenes stuff because I am not going there intentionally.
We have recently switched to Chrome as our default browser, but I can't find anything associating the IP's with Chrome either.
Any assistance is appreciated,