Thank you @Lloyd_Braun
Note that I increased the maximum value yesterday to 55k, before it was 35k, so I can imagine aggressive aging was indeed happening. Right now it says it's enabled, but not active:
# fw ctl pstat
System Capacity Summary:
Memory used: 3% (1597 MB out of 47603 MB) - below watermark
Concurrent Connections: 52% (28625 out of 54900) - below watermark
Aggressive Aging is enabled, not active
Hash kernel memory (hmem) statistics:
Total memory allocated: 4991221760 bytes in 1218560 (4096 bytes) blocks using 1 pool
Total memory bytes used: 0 unused: 4991221760 (100.00%) peak: 80998672
Total memory blocks used: 0 unused: 1218560 (100%) peak: 24134
Allocations: 4238300187 alloc, 0 failed alloc, 4237687164 free
System kernel memory (smem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 6002284284 peak: 6070898176
Total memory bytes wasted: 16634909
Blocking memory bytes used: 16458184 peak: 19762280
Non-Blocking memory bytes used: 5985826100 peak: 6051135896
Allocations: 29909386 alloc, 0 failed alloc, 29901303 free, 0 failed free
vmalloc bytes used: 5979740264 expensive: no
Kernel memory (kmem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 1079372560 peak: 1144346904
Allocations: 4268204704 alloc, 0 failed alloc
4267585260 free, 0 failed free
External Allocations:
Packets: 69568, SXL: 48943407, Reorder: 0
Zeco: 0, SHMEM: 2120, Resctrl: 0
ADPDRV: 0, PPK_CI: 14033552, PPK_CORR: 0
1560053731 total, 0 alloc, 0 free,
604382 dup, 2000217892 get, 67806603 put,
2737444945 len, 845540128 cached len, 0 chain alloc,
0 chain free
126859219 total, 54315325 TCP, 46211064 UDP, 26324361 ICMP,
8469 other, 432 anticipated, 124399 recovered, 28625 concurrent,
33910 peak concurrent
2568 fragments, 1214 packets, 0 expired, 0 short,
0 large, 0 duplicates, 0 failures
33276078/0 forw, 29235265/0 bckw, 57748477 tcpudp,
4785754 icmp, 18047884-7404210 alloc
# fw tab -t connections -s
localhost connections 8158 30267 33736 90599