Hello everyone.
I have run into a situation that one of the cluster members moved between staging environment to production is no longer allowing me to log in using admin password and there is no longer SIC between it and the management.
Since in staging there was no Syslog server, I have no record of the changed for that unit.
I strongly suspect that the client, for some reason, rerun FTW on that gateway, but no means of confirming that.
I still have LOM access to the unit.
Any suggestions on how to:
1. Reset the Gaia password using LOM (if possible)
2. Retrieve Gaia logs showing what was done on the unit.
The only prove that it was in a good state at some point are the old successful policy installation records in the audit logs.
I still have snapshots, backups and Gaia configs from the unit when it was in a good state and may attempt to recover from those.
Any suggestions on how to accomplish that using LOM console are appreciated.
Thank you,