Everyone keeps saying that the new forum looks clean and shiny. It does but is it very user friendly? I have my doubts. I'm going to start with the "My profile" menu.
My Photos: You are shown big preview of your previously uploaded photos. If you have used these photos previosly chances are pretty small that you will use them again since it was a scenario for that particular post. You can always find previous posts and copy that photo or save it. Takes up too much space too.
Kudos from and Kudos given to: Interesting? It depends probably who you ask but it's not really that interesting.
Latest posts: Looks like this for me

If i click "View all" I get 10 pages with previous posts. Where can I see all my started posts in a nice overview that we had on the old forum? I don't wish to go through 10+ pages to find my old content.
Another thing, while I'm writing this post the banner at top of this forum keeps flashing and changing between the three banners. Please stop it, at least when writing posts and have it only on start page maybe. It hurts my eyes.
Other things:
-Start page with recents posts. Now it depends on a really good subject title to catch readers since you can't see any of the content or photos inside. I guess it won't change otherwise it wouldn't look clean. I wish also that posts could have own page with just posts, without all the menus surrounding the post which takes up too much attention and space.
-Replying to posts. When you read a post and want to reply to a certain users reply inside the post, it gets just posted right below. It's hard to see that it was an answer to that certain user. It's a flat structure and not nested. Any setting that can set it to be nested?
-Inserting photos in posts. In the old forum you could just paste the screenshot directly into the post. Now you have to save it first and then choose from your Photos. Time consuming. Is there a setting that can change this?
I hope that I don't sound too grumpy and that it's only a matter of time before I get used to this new forum :). Is there something that you miss from the old forum?