I haven't done much with HTTPS Inspection yet, but I have a customer who has tried it and it isn't working. I don't know enough to help them.
R80.20 Take 47.
They have created their own Root cert from the firewall HTTPS Inspection page - step 1 - which is in the Trusted Root Certificate Authority store on the local machine. (kind of highlighted yellow below)
HTTPS Inspection > Create > (their own root cert file from above).
View certificate shows: (ignore the "not trusted" warning - I'm taking the screenshot from my machine which doesn't have the cert installed - the customer doesn't get that warning)
Then, browse to a blocked site to trigger the UserCheck page, and first they still get a dodgy certificate page:
Click Continue and the block page shows - with the wrong certificate....
The certificate being used by the block page is the firewall's internal cert - not the imported trusted one they are trying to use. (again, ignore the trust warning in this screenshot - I'm taking screenshots from a untrusted machine)
Any ideas what we're missing and why the newly created trusted cert isn't being used by the block pages?