Yesterday I attempted to upgrade our lab HA Smart-1 appliances from R80.40 to R81.10. I decided to do an in-place upgrade using CPUSE. High level procedure:
1. Upgrade CPUSE to latest on each appliance
2. Install (manually) the R81.10 upgrade tools package on each appliance
3. Run the upgrade verifier on each appliance. This did not report any issues on either appliance except to remind me to install JHFA after the upgrade
4. Take appropriate backups
5. Upgrade the primary/active. This completed without issue.
6. Install JHFA Take 87 on the primary
7. Confirm SmartConsole access, successfully pushed policy
This is where it got interesting.
8. Attempted to upgrade the standby, but no upgrade option was available. After verification was run again, I got this result:

(The primary server was upgraded and running).
I fought with this for a while. I even rolled back to a snapshot on the standby I created before starting any upgrades, but still was not given the option to upgrade the standby, only a clean install. I eventually went through with the clean install and everything is back up and running, but I curious if anyone else has seen this, I did something wrong, or I missed something in the upgrade documentation.