Hi @kb1,
Here you will find the most important commands to deactivate the debug:
For the most important user space processes:
CPM -> ./cpm_debug.sh -t crud -s INFO
./cpm_debug.sh -r
FWM -> fw debug fwm off
FWD -> fw debug fwd off
CPD -> unset TMOUT
cpd_admin debug on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
tail –f $CPDIR/log/cpd.elg>&cpd_debug.txt
cpd_admin debug off
CPCA -> fw debug cpca off
VPN -> vpn debug off
vpn debug ikeoff
RAD -> rad_admin rad debug off
DLPU -> fw_debug dlpu off
cp_file -> fw_debug cp_file_convertd off TDERROR_ALL_ALL=0
WSTLSD (https)-> for PROC in $(pidof wstlsd); do fw debug $PROC off TDERROR-_ALL_ALL=0; done
For kernel debug:
-> fw ctl debug 0
Enable SecureXL after debug:
-> fwaccel on
Enable VPN SecureXL after debug:
> vpn accel on (All VPN tunnels will be reset!)
For SmartConsole debug:
-> SCConfigManager.exe
LogLevel = Error
CommLogLevel = Off
For all other user space processes, see the following article: sk97638
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