After about 800 lines of code, I would like to present you my new "SmartConsole Extention ➜ Execute CLI commands on all gateways simultaneously".
This allows you to execute Expert Mode commands and CLISH commands from the SmartConsole on all gateways simultaneously.
1) On SmartConsole, go to > > > .
2) Enter the web-service manifest URL
and click .

Enable "exexute on all gateways" |
3) On SmartConsole, go to > > Settings
4) Enable on all gateways buttom

Execute "Expert Mode" command on all gateways simultaneously |
5) Open the menu item "Expert Mode". The same works with CLISH commands in the menu "CLISH".
6) Execute a command on all gateways for example "fw ver"

SmartConsole extension to execute commands on all gateways and the SMS.
- Execute commands in "Expert Mode" and "CLISH"
- Execute "Expert Mode" and "CLISH" commands on all gateways simultaneously.
SMB applications are currently not supported.
- Command history -> Execute the last 20 commands again.
- Status about the success of the action
Here you can find the original article with the extention:
Execute Commands ➜ SmartConsole Extension
➜ CCSM Elite, CCME, CCTE ➜