Thank You PhoneBoy.
1. In sk132193 there is following CLI example for Spamhaus and CIDR format:
Original CSV structure is a list of IP addresses in CIDR format and comment lines are marked as ';'
ioc_feeds add --feed_name ip_cidr_list_with_delimiter --transport https --resource "" --format [value:1,type:ip] --delimiter ";" --comment ";"

When I test it in gateway CLI (I added only "--test true" option to original example) I get following error:
[Expert@gw1:0]# export EXT_IOC_NO_SSL_VALIDATION=1
[Expert@gw1:0]# ioc_feeds add --feed_name ip_cidr_list_with_delimiter --transport https --resource "" --format [value:1,type:ip] --delimiter ";" --comment ";" --test true
Modifying feed ip_cidr_list_with_delimiter
start add
Feed ip_cidr_list_with_delimiter will add on
Feed Name: ip_cidr_list_with_delimiter
Feed is Active
File will be fetched via HTTPS
Action: Prevent
Feed is cli managed
Feed type: custom_csv
Fetching active feeds
Something went wrong
Something went wrong
Signatures load failed
The same error when I try to test it with http transport and even in case of local file downloaded by curl_cli - still doesn't work.
2. There is last point in Known Limitations section of sk132193: "Before 81.20, there is limit of number of observables , See sk171988."
Maybe I have exceeded the limit, but where can I find sk171988? I wonder if there is any mechanism to check and eliminate duplicated IOCs (IPs for example) by few external (and maybe overlapping) feeds?
3. I have also noticed differences in notation in sk132193
--format [value:#1 orvalue:1
--comment [#] or --comment "#"
It seems both forms are equal?
sk132193 was last modified on 2023-02-07 and seems ... not so actual?