I'll take a crack here, I think you are conflating Multi-Queue with the Dynamic Dispatcher:
1. Assume that my firewall has two SNDs. When traffic reaches the firewall, how is it decided which SND should be processed? Is it also based on the load size of the two SNDs?
Assuming that all interfaces with Multi-Queue (MQ) enabled are set for Auto or Dynamic mode (mq_mng --show to check), the NIC driver (which is what actually implements MQ, it is not technically Check Point code) runs a hash calculation of the L3 src/dst IP addresses and L4 src/dst ports, and assigns that flow's packets to an SND core for handling. The assignment at this level is not load-based to my knowledge, as opposed to something like the Dynamic Dispatcher which assigns connections/flows to a Firewall Worker Instance based on load. I believe the flow's reply packets will also be hashed to that same SND core. You can observe how well the traffic balancing is working in cpview via the Advanced...SecureXL..Network Per CPU screen.
If the traffic balance is way out of whack between the SNDs this is usually because someone has messed with the MQ configuration (see the first sentence of the last paragraph) which you should NEVER DO in R80.40 and later, and this will be especially disastrous if Dynamic Split is enabled. All SNDs are considered to be equal as far as processing power. If the traffic is well-balanced between the SNDs but CPU utilization is way out of whack between the SNDs, generally this is a Check Point code issue with SecureXL. Most of the time TAC will be required to assist here, but I will discuss some undocumented techniques for doing this yourself in my CPX 2025 Vegas speech on the CheckMates track.
2. Does the working position of SND correspond to the 'little i'?
Traditionally (prior to R80.20) "i" would only indicate the entrance to the slowpath, and packets in the medium/fast path would not traverse it at all, other than in R80.20+ where the first packet of every new connection/session which always goes slowpath, and then the rest of the connection is hopefully offloaded to the Medium path or fastpath.
However new capture tools like fw monitor -F available in R80.20+ now show all packets coming into the SND as "i" so I'm not sure what to think now. In the modern releases (R80.20+), I suppose "i" could be interpreted as when a packet is handed off from the Gaia Linux OS code (NIC driver & ring buffer) to the Check Point code (SecureXL dispatcher or worker instance code). If someone from R&D could further clarify this that would be helpful.
3. Is the load of SND Core generally smaller than that of Firewall Instance? If full load occurs, what are the possible reasons?
This is highly dependent on the distribution of traffic between the fastpath, medium path, and slowpath (fwaccel stats -s). On a firewall with no deep inspection blades enabled (APCL, TP etc) a high percentage of traffic will be completely processed on the SND cores only (other than the first packet of a new connection/session which always goes slowpath). However the bulk of traffic on modern firewalls is examined by deep inspection in the Medium Path and sometimes slowpath on a Firewall Worker Instance. So the inspection operations are much more intensive on a worker instance when compared to a SND, which is why there generally tends to be more worker instances than SND instances on most firewalls unless percentage of fastpath traffic is extremely high.
When you say "full load" I assume you mean either just the SNDs are saturated or only the Worker Instances are saturated. Dynamic Split can help with this if there is enough spare CPU capacity overall. The most common cause of high load on worker instances is excessive slowpath/F2F traffic. The most common cause of high load on SNDs is a very high amount of fastpath traffic, or possibly an MQ or Check Point SecureXL code issue.
4. After R80, SND allocates work based on the load size of the Firewall Instance, so has the Global Dispatcher table been completely abandoned?
As far as the SND who runs the Dynamic Dispatcher is concerned, all Worker Instances are equal in overall capability unless the server architecture has Intel's P-cores and E-cores present which is a whole other can of worms. But for the most part when the first packet of a new connection/session arrives at a SND, it assigns the connection and all its subsequent packets to the least-loaded Worker Instance. This assignment is tracked in the SNDs by what I believe you are calling the "Global Dispatcher Table" which can be viewed with fw ctl multik gconn; this is necessary as all the packets of a single connection must always be handled by the same Worker Instance, even with Hyperflow.
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