we started sending logs from CheckPoint FW to our SIEM, there seems to be a problem with logs from the IPS Blade, specifically with prevented events by Smart Defense, the logs seem to lack the "Attack Name"/"protection name" field when the action is "Prevent", therefore we can't see which signature worked. This field seems to be present in logs of events where the action is "Reject" or "Drop" for example.
SmartDefense Unknown:
(redacted) - [action:"Reject"; flags:"409600"; ifdir:"inbound"; ifname:"[..]"; loguid:"[..]"; origin:"[..]"; originsicname:"[..]"; sequencenum:"120"; time:"[..]"; version:"5"; __policy_id_tag:"[..]"; attack:"Microsoft Windows NT Null CIFS Sessions"; attack_info:"Blocked Null CIFS Session attempt"; confidence_level:"4"; dst:"[..]"; industry_reference:"CVE-2000-1200"; performance_impact:"2"; product:"SmartDefense"; protection_id:"asm_cifs_block_null_sessions"; protection_name:"Microsoft Windows NT Null CIFS Sessions"; protection_type:"anomaly"; proto:"6"; rule:"7"; rule_name:"Discovery scan"; rule_uid:"c55f111a-3121-4412-9af7-0b43e99c4807"; s_port:"[..]"; service:"[..]"; severity:"2"; sgm_id:"[..]"; smartdefense_profile:"[..]"; src:"[..]"; sub_policy_name:"[..]"; sub_policy_uid:"[..]"]
SmartDefense Prevent:
(redacted) - [action:"Prevent"; flags:"313600"; ifdir:"outbound"; ifname:"[..]"; loguid:"{[...]"; origin:"[..]"; originsicname:"[...]"; sequencenum:"58"; time:"[..]"; version:"5"; __policy_id_tag:"product=[..]"; dst:"[..]"; log_id:"2"; malware_rule_id:"{710D7BDC-5306-4122-ACAC-B2BAF771A620}"; method:"POST"; policy:"[..]"; policy_time:"[..]"; product:"SmartDefense"; proto:"6"; reject_id_kid:"[..]"; resource:"[..]"; rule_name:"[..]"; rule_uid:"[..]"; s_port:"[..]"; ser_agent_kid:"Other: Hello, World"; service:"80"; session_id:"[..]"; sgm_id:"[..]"; smartdefense_profile:"[..]"; src:"[..]"; layer_uuid:"[..]"; malware_rule_id:"[..]"; smartdefense_profile:"[..]"]
as you can see in the first case there's a lot more info, like attack, attack_info, protection_name and rule_name. Also in the first case it is categorized in Qradar as Unknown "SmartDefense Event", while in the second case the Event name is "SmartDefense Prevent". Does anyone know what can be done to fix this and for all events from the IPS Blade to have Protection_Name and attack info?
Also, another Question, are all events from IPS Blade Smart Defense events, or should you include explicitly another type of event in the log exporter? It seems to lack some event, while adding some events that are not from the IPS blade.