I have a wildcard certificate I generated for my domain using Let's Encrypt.
I've converted it to p12 using openssl 1.1.1 (there are issues with newer versions), using the following command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.p12 -inkey ./privkey.pem -in ./cert.pem -certfile ./chain.pem
I have also added the root/intermediate certs as a Trusted CA
I was able to successfully import the certificate to the appliance and switch portal to using it.
However I am still getting an invalid certificate warning, when I inspect the certificate, it very strangely shows the "CN = SSL-Server" instead of my wildcard domain.
Why is this happening? When I use keytool or or openssl to inspect certificate.p12 it seems fine, it seems it get's messed up somehow when I upload it.
Anyone has experience with using a Let's Encrypt wildcard with a 1530 appliance? Using latest firmware