Share your Cyber Security insights on-stage at CPX 360 !
We’re looking for speakers who will teach, share and inspire Check Point customers and partners to use the strategies, tools, and techniques needed to prevent cyber threats! How are you leveraging the power of Check Point Architecture to protect your organization? What are some of the technical tips and tricks you can recommend? Submit your ideas to CPX 360 !
Recommended topic areas include:
- Cutting edge cyber security trends
- Cloud Security
- Perimeter and Data Center Security
- Mobile security
- Advanced Threat Prevention
- R80.X use cases
- Security Automation
Remember to include practical advice, key success factors, proven examples, an in-depth explanation of the challenges you’ve overcome and lessons learned on topics related to securing your datacenter, your cloud environments, and your mobile endpoints.
Key Dates
- Submissions deadline was November 30th
- Decision and notification to speaker December 15th
Submit your abstract to checkmates@checkpoint.com
Items to Include in Submission
All submissions must include the following information:
- Presenter’s name
- Presenter’s organization, job title and biography
- Presentation title
- “Soundbyte” abstract – maximum 140 characters
- Full abstract – maximum of 200 words
- Length – (ideally 20-30 minutes)
- If applicable, please also include any links to previous presentations, slide decks, or papers
- Please include an estimate of how ‘technical’ your presentation will be. The following rating will be used:
T1 = Very little technical knowledge required
T2 = Some technical knowledge is assumed
T3 = Largely technical and/or detailed content aimed at technicians
- Event you are submitting to (Barcelona (Jan. 24th-25th), Las Vegas (Feb. 7th,8th), Bangkok (Feb. 28th , Mar. 1st)
- Presenters are to submit for an event in their respective GEO's
- Presentations must be written in English
- Presentations should present original work, which ideally has not been previously published
- Presentations will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness and clarity of presentation
Key Disclaimers
It is important for presentations to avoid vendor/partner/sponsor specific ‘product pitches/sales pitches’. If presentation proposals are considered to contain such material (product pitches/sales) they will more than likely be rejected early in the review process. Further, vendors are reminded that there is no linkage between conference sponsorship and the opportunity to present at the conference.
We will give full conference passes (with hotel) only to those who actively participate as speakers on accepted presentations.