I just fixed both the issues with CPUSE and browser compatibility but not sure what else will be broken by doing this, so do not skip the backup command:
cp /web/htdocs2/login/login.js /web/htdocs2/login/login.js.backup
grep -q "form.el.dom.action" /web/htdocs2/login/login.js; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo File is already modified, exiting.; else echo File backed up and modified. ; sed -i.bak '/form.isValid/s/$/\nform.el.dom.action=formAction;\n/' /web/htdocs2/login/login.js ; fi
I can login with Chrome and Firefox now, but when I login with Edge, the CPUSE issue is still there!!! weird but fine for now as I can upgrade the appliance through the Gaia Web GUI in Chrome which is what I've been missing due to the aforementioned issue.
Thanks anyone and I hope the workaround I pasted above fixes your problem as well.