BlackHat, Las Vegas, USA
Check Point booth # 1260 was visited by 1274 individuals. Booth was ready by evening of 25-July, Tuesday, and announced on social media post, which received over 2000 views and 40 likes within 24 hours.

Booth promptly opened at 10 AM on 26-July, Wednesday, and every presentation was full house with equal or more number of standing audience. Presentations on Threat Prevention, vSec and SandBlast Mobile were being delivered every 30 minutes, and were attended by large number of audience. Three demo stations remain busy with curious visitors learning about SandBlast family of products, vSec, R80.10 and SandBlast Mobile. Overall Check Point booth remain very busy as seen in pictures below:
The first presentation on Threat Prevention: 10:30 AM

Interactions with visitors

Presentation during early afternoon

Deep-dive discussion with a visitor ...

... Followed by a long demo of SandBlast

The last presentation at 6:30 PM

Jony Fischbein Moti Sagey Catey DeBalko